讲座题目:Modeling and Forecasting the Dynamics of Payment Transactions Using Macro-financial Data
主 讲 人:李富春
李富春,博士,加拿大支付系统高级科研顾问(Senior research advisor),主要从事于金融系统风险评估和金融系统稳定性研究。李富春获得南开大学理学学士学位,University of Guelph经济学硕士学位,Western University经济学博士学位。李富春博士已有多篇科研文章发表在顶尖期刊上,如Journal of Econometrics,Econometric Theory,Journal of Financial Econometrics,Journal of Banking and Finance等。
In this paper, we examine the information content of macro-financial variables for forecasting the growth of payments transaction in Canada. Three different models are used to evaluate the predictive accuracy of the macro-financial variables for forecasting the growth of payments transaction, namely, the ARIMA(1, 1, 1) model, a linear regression model with macro-financial variables, a threshold regression model with macro-financial variables. Our empirical results confirm the ability of some key macro-financial variables to forecast future growth of total payment value and total payment volume. Both the linear model and threshold regression model with macro-financial variables perform better than the benchmark model, ARIMA (1, 1, 1) model.
Further, we propose a test statistic to test for whether omitted variables occur in the volatility function in a traditional time series regression model. The test statistic asymptotically converges to a standard normal distribution. A Monte Carlo study shows that the test statistic performs reasonably well.
撰稿:班伟 审核:张同斌 单位:经济学院